260 Days of Learning Project

Completed Readings

Self explanatory.  Once a reading is completed, I'll list it here: a running bibliography if you will.

--Spooner, Michael.  "An Essay We're Learnng to Read: Responding to Alt.Style."  Alt Dis: Alternate Discourses and the Academy.  Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2002.  155-177.  Print.

--Talbot, David. "Can Twitter Make Money?" Technology Review Aug. 2010: 52-57. Print.

--Spilka, Rachel.  "Introduction."  Digital Literary for Technical Communication: 21st Century Theory and Practice.  Ed. Rachel Spilka.  New York: Routledge, 2010.  1-18.  Print.

--Martinec, Radan, and Theo van Leeuwen. "Introduction."  The Language of New Media Design: Theory and Practice.  New York: Routledge, 2009.  1-14.  Print.

--Blair, Kristine, Radhika Gajjala, and Christine Tulley.  "Introduction."  Webbing Cyberfeminist Practice: Communities, Pedagogies and Social Action.  Ed. Kristine Blair, Radhika Gajjala, and Christine Tulley.  Cresskill, NJ: Hampton, 2009. 1-19.  Print.

--deWinter, Jennifer, and Stephanie Vie.  "Press Enter to 'Say': Using Second Life to Teach Critical Media Literacy."  Computers and Composition.  25 (2008):313-322.  ScienceDirect.  Web.  6 Apr. 2010.

--Whittaker, Jason. Producing for Web 2-0: A Student Guide. 3rd ed. New York: Routledge, 2009. Print.

--Miller, Carolyn R.  "Foreword."  Rhetoric and Technologies: New Directions in Writing and Communication.  Ed. Stuart A. Selber.  Columbia, SC: U of South Carolina P, 2010. ix-xii.  Print.

--Selber, Stuart A.  "Introduction."  Rhetoric and Technologies: New Directions in Writing and Communication.  Ed. Stuart A. Selber.  Columbia, SC: U of South Carolina P, 2010. 1-11.  Print.

--Shapiro, Eve.  Gender Circuits: Bodies and Identities in a Technological Age.  New York: Routledge, 2010.  Print.

--Selfe, Richard J.  "Preface."  Sustainable Computer Environments: Cultures of Support in English Studies and Language Arts.  Cresskill, NJ: Hampton P, 2005.  ix-xx.  Print.

--Delagrange, Susan H.  "When Revision Is Redesign: Key Questions for Digital Scholarship." Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 14(1).  8 Jun 2010.  
<http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/14.1/inventio/delagrange/index.html>.  Web.

--Sheppard, Jennifer.  "The Rhetorical Work of Multimedia Production Practices: It's More than Just Technical Skill."  26 (2009):122-131.  ScienceDirect.  Web.  10 Jun 2010.

--Gibson, Michelle, Martha Marinara, and Deborah Meem. “Bi, Butch, and Bar Dyke: Pedagogical Performances of Class, Gender, and Sexuality.” College Composition and Communication 52.1 (September 2000): 69–95. Print.  (My page number do not match because they came from another source that I cannot track back.)

--Sorapure, Madeleine. “Information Visualization, Web 2.0, and the Teaching of Writing.” Computers and Composition 27 (2010): 59-70. ScienceDirect.  Web.  28 May 2010.

--Clark, J. Elizabeth. “The Digital Imperative: Making the Case for a 21st-Century Pedagogy.” Computers and Composition 27 (2010): 27-35.  ScienceDirect.  Web.  28 May 2010.

--Moberly, Kevin.  "Composition, Computer Games, and the Absence of Writing."  Computers and Composition 25 (2008):284-99 .  ScienceDirect.  Web.  28 May 2010.

--Kessler, Kelly.  "Where Does a Girl Have to Go to Find a Pool Table: Gender Performance, Leisure, and The L Word in Second Life."  InMediaRes: A MediaCommons Project.  24 June 2010.  <http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/imr/2008/04/22/where-does-a-girl-have-to-go-to-find-a-pool-table-gender-performance-leisure-and-the-l-word-in-second-life%E2%80%9D>.  Web.

--Learning and Teaching in the Virtual World of Second Life.  Ed. Judith Molka-Danielsen and Mats Deutschmann.  Trondheim, NORWAY: Tapir Academic P, 2009.  Print.

--Gray, Mary L.  Out in the Country: Youth, Media, and Queer Visibility in Rural America.  New York: New York UP, 2009.  Kindle Edition.

--Anzaldua, Gloria.  "To(o) Queer the Writer--Loca, escritora y chicana."  Living Chicana Theory.  Ed. Carla Trujillo.  Berkeley: Third Woman Press, 1997.  263-76.  Print.

--Christopher, Renny.  "New Working-Class Studies in Higher Education."  The Journal of Higher Education 78 (2007): 243-245.  Print.

--Schwarz, Lori.  “Not My Scene: Queer Auto-Ethnography as Alternative Research Method.”  Sprinkle 2 (2009): 27-35.  Print.

--Privratsky, Shaunna.  "Building a Brilliant Book Proposal: Lose the Fear of Book Proposals."  Writer's Journal Sept/Oct. 2010: 16-19.