260 Days of Learning Project
Even though I have not been posting, I have been reading.  However, because of what I am reading, I do not feel I can comment on the them because they are not officially in print yet.  I am a reviewer for an edited collection that a colleague is publishing.  The collection is on higher Ed, emerging technologies, and community partnerships and how the three connect. I am reading some amazing stuff that people have written, and I'll be glad when I can comment on these articles because I believe they have merit for a lot of the work many of us are currently doing or are attempting to do.  I will hopefully be able to read something that I can comment on before the weekend is out. 

It is, however, the end of the semester and things are completely crazy right now for me.  I know that anyone who is in the "end of semester" throes knows exactly what I am talking about.  I have spent all day today grading and will spend tomorrow grading revisions and averaging grades so my students know where they are at before they turn in their final essays this Thursday.  YAY!!!!