260 Days of Learning Project
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!! Not that I did anything fun, but hey, it was still a good day.  This post will be short, because frankly, tonight's chapter was a snoozer.  Chapter 4 of Whittaker's Producing for Web 2.0: A Student Guide entitled "Creating Dynamic Sites" left a little to be desired.  It covered Client-side scripting with JavaScript, Server-side scripting with PHP, and MySQL.  I definitely agree that all of these things are necessary to create dynamic and exciting web pages, but slogging through all of the examples of code was a bit daunting.  And the thing is, I won't remember any of this come tomorrow morning.  Well, I might remember some words and phrases, but I will definitely have to come back to this chapter numerous times to utilize and familiarize myself with this stuff.

But again, I like Whittaker's approach.  He states that even though this chapter "only covers a basic introduction to client- and server-side scripting, it is important to have at least this essential familiarity with them as they drive so many Web 2.0 technologies" (92).  Again, I think Whittaker hits the nail on the head with his pedagogical approach that while most will never need to do raw coding, it is still imperative that one at least understands what one is looking at when one sees this code.

It's late, I'm tired, and I still have work to do.  On that note, good night.