260 Days of Learning Project
Still trying to decide how to go about doing this project.  I believe it will begin on May 1.  I have been considering where to start with the readings.  There are so many things I want to read that are on my bookshelf staring at me right NOW.

But, for now, I'm going to discuss something I am reading for a Mentoring Meeting tomorrow.  The article is called "An Essay We're Learning to Read Responding to Alt.Style" by Michael Spooner in AltDis: Alternative Discourses and the Academy.  For me, the shaded blocks are examples of how someone attempting to edit an alt.style might try to force the writer back into a more conventional or accepted discourse style.  This Meta-commentary or meta-narrative really drives home for me the importance of understanding a piece of writing written in this style.  This type of discourse finally places some of the responsibility of making meaning on the reader.  I like that.

There were times that I asked myself if this could be considered a queering of the text, but I'm not certain.  Is it a queering of academic discourse, forcing the reader to interact with the text, ?  I don't know.

My favorite "bubble joke?"  "How many copyeditors does it take to screw in a light bulb?"  Response: "Not sure whether you mean 'change a light bulb' or 'have sex in a light bulb.' Consider revising for clarity?"  Hardee har har

Favorite word: essayistic.  God I love writers who are not afraid to make up new and innovative words.

And, I've just figured out where to start my project.  This article quotes a book I started a while back, but did not get to finish.  I will pick up and finish Janet Murray's Hamlet on the Holodeck.  A seminal piece for one of my main areas of interest.