260 Days of Learning Project
I didn't think I was going to make the deadline tonight, but after 40 pages of Web 2.0 tools, I am finally here to post.

It is probably obvious that I read Whittaker's Producing for Web 2.0: A Student's Guide tonight and completed the chapter entitled "Web 2.0 Tools."  This chapter read quickly, and I enjoyed all of the information it has to offer.  This chapter discusses tools such as RSS and syndication, blogging, mashups, and wikis.  Lots of information about how to incorporate them into your own site and lots of links to sites to download free apps and helpful tools.

So, what I have not had the time yet to experiment with are what Whittaker calls "Walkthrough"s.  These are breakout sections in the chapters that walk you through step-by-step how to do something like "create a mashup in Popfly" or Adding a mashup to Facebook" or even "Adding a Google map to your site."  I really believe that these breakout sections are what many might call the meat and potatoes of this text.  These are the things that will help anyone reading the book understand exactly how to perform some of the technical things Whittaker talks about.  I have skimmed many of these Walkthroughs, and I believe they will be not only educational, but fun to play with. 

This is a text I am sure I will be referring to often as I implement some of these things into my own website and even as I begin to teach Web Authoring to college students.  It might even be a text I consider requiring for the students.

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