260 Days of Learning Project
Are we not all broken in one way or another?  Is it not true that from the moment we breach our mother's wombs we are broken?  Is not the harsh reality of leaving our water paradise to be thrust into the cold world not a breaking of sorts?

Mark W. Bundy, the author of "'Know Me Unbroken': Peeling Back the Silenced Rind of the Queer Mouth", wishes to know Gloria Anzaldua unbroken "just as Maria Lugones wants all muted women 'to be seen unbroken'" (qtd. in Bundy 139).  Bundy's article is lyrical/poetical at times with his use of imagery and rhythm.  But I keep asking myself what is my reaction to the piece?  What have I taken away from my reading? 


The beauty of language.  The ability of language to build bridges through its human use.  These are things that I absorbed in my reading.  When discussing Anzaldua's use of language, Bundy writes: "These ongoing harvestings of yours, Gloria.  Peeling it all back--culture, self, body, voice, sex, identity, meaning, realities, love, illness, recover" (140).  All things can be discovered and known through language.  Understanding can occur through language and its use. 

If we are silent in our anguish, our fear, our anger, our love, our passion, how will anyone understand?  We need to make room for everyone's language, not just mine, not just yours: and yet, mine and yours.  In the words of the Na'vi (Avatar) "I see you."  That is what we should all be striving for by listening to the language of others.

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