260 Days of Learning Project
That's right, my first book is complete.  I have finished Jason Whittaker's Producing for Web 2.0: A Student Guide.  The last chapter, chapter 9, is all about post-production, or how to test, maintain, and optimize your site in the search engines.  And again, I have written in the margins "amazing, mentions grammatical before factual errors."  Whittaker argues that "there is the very simple (but often neglected) fact that inaccurate writing that is full of errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation will affect how visitors view the value of your content.  In addition, factual errors will undermine your credibility . . ." (208).  I guess grammar is the end all be all and deserves to come before factual issues.  Again, are the readers that shallow?  Obviously if the spelling and grammar in your site is so bad that it hinders the readers ability to garner any meaning from what you have written, then yes, it's a major problem.  But I don't think that is what Whittaker is talking about.  I think he is referring to the simple mistakes we tend to make from time to time.  Those kinds of mistakes are in just about any text I pick up anymore.  Ok, I'm done ranting.

I was really excited about this chapter because I wanted to learn the secrets behind optimizing my site for search engines.  Well, I am a bit disappointed where this is concerned.  I did, however, learn that "spelling" is important.  What is it with this guy and spelling?  Really though, the stuff he mentions is very common sense, like the spelling, and he even says so. 

So, what is the most exciting for me is that I have finished my first book.  I am now ready to move on to either another book, or maybe some articles.  There is a book I am interested in though, so maybe I'll go there.  First chapter is about 40 pages though, so that's quite a bit for a one day read.  I'll look into it and see what I decide.  I could do another technology book, but that is a bit boring.  I think it's time to move onto something different.  So, look tomorrow for a whole new read!!!  I'm excited.

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