260 Days of Learning Project
I read an interesting article today entitled "Building a Brilliant Book Proposal: Lose the Fear of Book Proposals" by Shaunna Privratsky.  I have read two books on how to write a book proposal, and Privratsky manages in 1 1/2 pages to summarize every important detail I learned in those two books.

Bottom line, if you have a book that you just haven't gotten up the nerve to seek out a publisher for because you did not know how or were afraid to write the book proposal, this article should give you the information you need to get started.  I'm not saying that you will not have to consult a book sooner or later to finish the task, but this information will definitely get you started.

So, if the article is so great, why would you have to consult another text, right?  Even though this article gives you all the information on "content" (which is the most important thing, right), it does not list the nitty-gritty details of formatting and putting it all together.  For that, you definitely need to consult one of the many books on the market that often have appendices with example book proposals.  When it comes to content though, this short article lays it all out in an easy to read, concise way.  I only wish I had read it before reading the other two books from cover to cover.

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