260 Days of Learning Project
I've learned a lot lately that you won't find in any books or journal articles.  I've learned that moving 6 animals and 2 people into one house in the city is not easy, especially when two of them are BIG dogs who are use to living in the country with hundreds of acres to roam and no barriers.

I've learned that a BIG dog can come through a mostly closed, 15 inch wide window with apparently little effort, after opening the window of course.  I've learned that a PS3 can survive this, barely.  Had it hit the floor, I don't think the results would have been quite so favorable.

I've learned that cats really don't give a rat's a@# about people but get extremely PISSED when you mess with their environment.  And a pissed cat is not a happy thing.  They decide they will show their displeasure by breaking all litter box rules. 

So what have the animals learned?  Well, the cats have learned that we will not hesitate to lock them into a very small bathroom (not currently in use) with a really BIG kitty box, food and water, and very, very LITTLE room for laying and sleeping.  The dogs will hopefully slearn that it does not hurt my feelings to leave all of the windows closed when no one is home regardless of how warm it might get.  One dog in particular will hopefully soon learn that I am bigger than him and that I'm not afraid to use my "biggerness" to get him to behave on a leash.

All in all, I have learned one H%#$ of a lot lately and didn't need ANY stinkin' books to teach me any of this.  So all things considered, I think this qualifies for a 260 days of learning post.
9/20/2010 11:33:48 pm

Looking for the "Just way too funny" button.


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